"AgPur Power Cables improved macrodynamics while further fleshing out a superb soundstage."

— Dr Steven Karlin, psychiatrist (ret), painter, early adopter

Power Cables

Power Cables consist of matrices of twisted pairs of solid pure Ag strands individually threaded through their own air-cushioned fluorocarbon tubes... just as all AgPur products. Stock sizes are 1.5M, terminated with premium Viborg 503S Ag plugs. Experience suggests that an all-AgPur power cord family preserves utmost transparency.


12 burly Ag strands comprise this full 10AWG cable to power large conditioners and huge, very high current amplifiers. Recommended preferably with 10-12AWG dedicated AC lines to be most effective.

$1800 for 1M


Twelve individuated heavy solid pure Ag strands (total 12AWG) provide a clear choice for nearly all moderate-to-high current components, including most large amplifiers.

$1200 for 1M


Perfect choice for all source components, DACs, preamps, and small integrated amplifiers with modest current requirements. Six heavy individuated strands comprise 15AWG.

$800 for 1M


Ernest A. Meunier

781 526 3860

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